David’s PhD studies in Lund (Sweden) led to identification of the endocannabinoid lipid anandamide as the first endogenous agonist of the noxious heat sensor TRPV1. Having completed his PhD, David joined Stuart Bevan at Novartis in London for his first postdoctoral position, working on a project where three novel TRP channels were cloned and characterized in collaboration with Ardem Patapoutian. After moving to King’s College London, his continued work on TRPs includes the identification of TRPA1 as a target for paracetamol and TRPM8 as an osmosensor that controls eye blinking. More recently, the focus of David’s lab has increasingly turned to the role of autoantibodies in chronic primary pain conditions. These studies have demonstrated that autoreactive IgG maintains pain in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome by sensitizing nociceptors, and that IgG is responsible for sensory, motor, and anatomical symptoms and signs of fibromyalgia.