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Working in Genuine Partnership to Codevelop Key Recommendations that Can Advance Our Shared Understanding and Improve the Care of People with Spine-related Leg Pain
Topical Workshop
This presentation highlights our phased partnership approach to addressing this NeuSIG Working Group brief. We outline the ‘how to’ of our partnership approach, including: the critical support of the NeuPSIG for this initiative; the formation of a cross-discipline and cross-jurisdiction panel, with broad representation of lived experience, clinical and research expertise across care settings; the framing of the key issues via the use of briefing papers; the use of survey instruments and targeted meetings to inform and encourage a participatory approach to iterative problem solving, decision-making, consensus-reaching and formulation and refinement of key recommendations. Examples of strategies adopted to efficiently and effectively manage this process will be highlighted. Outcomes as they relate to terminology will be shared and discussed. Strategies to support dissemination, implementation and adoption of the recommendations will be outlined. Active input from the audience will be sought including suggestions for leveraging adoption of the recommendations across jurisdictions (including lower and middle-income countries), across care settings into policy and practice.